CEB to introduce new payment system

New Payment System

PUCSL has asked for the public comments on Long Term Generation Expansion Plan 2018-2037

PUCSL has asked for the public comments on Long Term Generation Expansion Plan 2018-2037. Interested parties are invited to send their written submissions to the Commission on or before 6th June 2017….FOR MORE DETAILS….

පරිසරයට හානි නොවන ලෙස සැකසූ ගල් අඟුරු බලාගාරයකට ජනපති අනුමැතිය

Lankadeepa 2017-05-07Lankadeepa 2017-05-07 2

Japan Coal PS

The President has agreed to establish three power plants

HE Agreed

CEB Union, Ex-Chairman Trade Charges

“We do not believe that the ongoing discussions between CEB members, Management, Minister and other ministry officials based on certain demands forwarded by CEBEU warranted such a sudden resignation especially in the middle of negotiations….”

“CEBEU admires and wish to appreciate and thank you for standing up for the engineering fraternity and professionals in general and also for speaking out for low cost power for the public” READ MORE…

Says Coal Options will continue

President Maithripala Sirisena says that despite facing economic constraints he will under no circumstance sign economic agreements with any country if…… such agreements are detrimental to Sri Lanka.

He made this comment at the policy review meeting of the Ministry of Power and Renewable Energy last Tuesday.

The meeting focused specifically on the Long-term Power Generation Plan (TLGP) of the Ministry. In his review address, Chairman of the CEB Engineers Union Athula Wanniarachchi stated that when taking decisions related to power generating resources, the President had assured them that the government would not stick to a ‘ no more coal’ policy. READ MORE…

මීතොටමුල්ල කුණු කන්දේ ප්‍රශ්නය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කරුනු පැහැදිලි කරන හිටපු ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විදුලිබල මණ්ඩලයේ නි.සා. අධිකාරිවරයෙකු හා ඉංජිනේරු සංගමයේ හිටපු සභාපති වරයෙකු වන ඉංජිනේරු. රොහාන් සෙනවිරත්න මහතා ගැන පළ කරපු අදහස් බිදක්…

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Serious Concerns about the Conduct of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka

thumbnail of Serious Concerns about the Conduct of the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission

Oil Tank agreements and Power generation agreements to be signed by President of India

Rooftop solar may be lighting a few, leaving many in dark

thumbnail of Rooftop solar may be lighting a few, leaving many in dark

විදුලි මණ්ඩලයේ වියදම් නගින්නේ ඉන්ධනවලටයි

Oil Price

Past Memories of CEBEU

Funds were raised from CEBEU members to help the victims of Tsunami affected CEB families in Ampara , Kalmunai and Batticaloa.

Later a medical equipment worth  over Rs. 500,000/-  was donated to Karapitiya Hospital with the remaining funds by the CEBEU President Eng. Rohan Seneviratne.

Past Memories of CEBEU

We went to Kalmunai & Ampara just 3 days after Tsunami to help people there…Whole are was flooded and it was very difficult journey…

Next day to Batticaloa through LTTE controlled area.. We went through big  LTTE camps, LTTE check points….!!! (during a peace talk period so no big issue)

Past Memories of CEBEU

Fight against breaking CEB into 7 companies and need for a coal plant (before realizing Lakvijaya)

Power Point Presentation to 30+ MPs at the Parliment…

Comments for Input data parameters of LTGEP 2018-2037

Comments- Public Consultation-Input Data Parameters and Assumptions-LTGEP-2018-2037. READ MORE…

Happy New Year …!!

CEBEU wish you and your family a Happy & Prosperous Sinhala and Hindu New Year …!!!

CEB Power Strike fails to sizzle drought heat to higher degrees

CEBEU, PUCSL at loggerheads passing the buck

They took orders at such committees and then forced the CEB too, to comply. The engineers accuse the PUCSL staff of “simply pleasing the political authority for their survival and thereby, opening doors to political manipulation…READ MORE …